Boulevard Unplugged

Boulevard Unplugged is an exciting opportunity for local talent to showcase their talent in Midsummer Place shopping centre and live on air, here on the new Horizon Radio.

Performances take place on the brand new bandstand in the centre of the recently refurbished Boulevard food court.

Whether you're an established singer, performer, comedian, children's entertainer, juggler, poet.... or anything else - you can showcase your talent in front of a live audience and on the radio.

If you'd like to be considered just fill in the online form below. 

If you're a musician, you'll also be considered for radio airplay and an interview on our Local Music Show on Monday evenings where we showcase the best talent from the region.

The bandstand is situated in the gorgeous new Boulevard, a vibrant and spacious area within Midsummer Place that features several stylish new independent eateries with plenty of seating so you can enjoy a bite to eat while you soak up the atmosphere with our Boulevard Unplugged performances.


Boulevard Unplugged Application Form

Thank you for your interest in performing live on The Bandstand at Midsummer Place and on Horizon Radio

Simply fill out the form below and we'll be in touch to discuss your application and next steps.

Please note that, as this is a joint initiative between Midsummer Place and Horizon Radio, your details will be shared with both organisations.

Type of act *
Age of participants *
Please detail the nature of the performance or act you want to bring to our centre. We will also use this text on the website to promote your performance so please provide plenty of detail.
Please upload a publicity photo we can use to promote your performance (max 10MB, gif, jpg or png)
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Please provide links to your social media pages, website, or YouTube where we can view your performance content
If you're a musician, you can upload your music here for potential broadcast on the Local Music Show. (Max. 10MB per file, mp3, aac, m4a or mp4 file types only)
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If you are only using instruments which can be connected to the bandstand amplifier and do not require mains power, please indicate this.
Portable Applicance Testing - it is a condition of our insurance that all mains powered electical items have been tested for electrical safety within the last 12 months *
Upload PAT test certificate
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If you have Public Liability Insurance please upload your certificate here
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Midsummer Place requires that all performances be family-friendly, while Horizon Radio only needs to ensure there is no explicit language or references. 
Performers are allowed to busk, provided they do not actively ask for money or obstruct any walkways
Please confirm you have read and understand the Boulevard Unplugged terms and conditions and the Horizon Radio Terms and Privacy Policy